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The most important part of the brush is the filament. Below is a partial list of what is available for the fill materials.. Filling material falls into basically three types: 1.Synthetic = Man made plastics 2.Natural = Hair, bristle or vegetable fiber 3.Wire = Strands of metallic filament Synthetic Brush Materials Nylon: The most widely used […]
Tube cleaning brush is mainly used in the inner hole clearance holes, the rust stains, scale, cleaning, polishing, polishing, burr, widely used in machinery, chemical industry, shipbuilding, electronics, etc. Tube cleaning brush fill materials are available in nylon, brass (for copper tubes), steel and stainless steel. Remember to always match metals. The Spin Grit and Spin have abrasive-impregnated nylon filaments, and […]
In order to seal a gap around your door, you need to know 2 things: How big is the gap at its largest point? This will tell you what brush length you need and how wide the holder needs to be. How wide and/or tall is the door? This will tell you what length brush […]
Door Bottom Brush is made up from the strip brush and the holder . This Door Bottom Brush is fitted with a row of densely compressed nylon filaments to seal the gap under and around doors.The door bottom’s high quality bristles conforms well to surface irregularities and stay flexible in the cold or heat. Can be […]
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